
securtity 证券

asset 资产

stock 股票


Chapter 2


security 证券的 payoff

xj=[x1jxsj]x^j = \begin{bmatrix} x_1^j \\ \vdots \\ x^j_s \end{bmatrix}

下标 ss 表示 state,在不同状态的未来有不一样的 payoff。

定义 security structure

X=[x11x12x1J1x1Jx21x22x2J1x2JxS11xS12xS1J1xS1JxS1xS2xSJ1xSJ]=[x1x2xJ1xJ]X = \begin{bmatrix} x^1_1 &x_1^2 &\cdots &x_1^{J-1} &x_1^J \\ x^1_2 & x_2^2 & \cdots& x_2^{J-1}&x_2^J\\\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\x^1_{S-1}&x^2_{S-1}& \cdots & x_{S-1}^{J-1}& x_{S-1}^{J}\\x_S^1 & x_S^2 & \cdots& x_S^{J-1}& x_S^J \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}x^1&x^2 &\cdots& x^{J-1}&x^J\end{bmatrix}

j 表示债券序号

XX 是满秩的时候,称为完全市场,因为在 RsR^s 中任意资产价格组合(在任何 state 都可以有想要的 payoff )都可以被 XX 中的 JJ 种债券组合出来。


标准正交基向量称为 Arrow-Debreu securities.

XAD=(100010001)X^{AD}=\begin{pmatrix}1&0&\cdots&0\\0&1 &\cdots&0\\\vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\0&0&\cdots&1 \end{pmatrix}

short-sell :证券除了买,也可以卖。在图中画的话就是这个证券反向。


hRjh\in R^j 一个向量


portfolio  payoff=j=1jhjxj=Xhportfolio\;payoff = \sum^j_{j=1}h_jx^j=Xh

Asset Span <X>=zRS:hRJ  such  that  z=Xh<X> = {z \in R^S : \exist h \in R^J \;such\;that \; z= Xh}

就是能被 XhXh 表示出来的 portfolio 集合。

所有 <X>=RS<X> = R^S 的时候就是 complete market.

所以,complete market 当且仅当 rank(X)=Srank(X)=S 也就是市场上至少存在 SS 个线性独立的证券。

所以当存在 xj=Xh    hj=0x^j = Xh\;且\; h_j=0 ,(jj 这个资产完全可以由别的组合出来,也就是 jj 和其他资产不是线性独立的)则 jj 是多余的。


pRjp\in R^j 因为 portfolio 是列向量,所以 price 是向量。乘下来是一个1*1,即一个数。

The cost of portfolio hh is given by

p×h=j=1Jpjhjp\times h = \sum^{J}_{j=1}p_jh_j

如果 pj0p_j \ne 0 则 收益 Rj=xjpjR_j = \frac{x^j}{p_j}

Return = payoff / prize

Use option to complete the market

假设一个 stock 的 payoff为


如果引入 call option 则

payoff=max(0,sk)payoff = max(0,s-k)

s = future prize

k = strike prize

如果引入 S-1 个 call option 对应 k=1,,S1k=1,\cdots,S-1 则我们可以得到如下如下证券。


c2=(0,0,1,,S3,S2)c_2 = (0,0,1,\cdots,S-3,S-2)'

cS1=(0,0,0,0,0,,0,1)c_{S-1} = (0,0,0,0,0,\cdots,0,1)'

结合原有的 stock 可以组成 security structure

X=(100210SS11)X= \begin{pmatrix} 1&0&\cdots &0\\ 2&1&\cdots&0\\ \vdots & \vdots& \vdots&\vdots\\ S & S-1 &\cdots &1 \end{pmatrix}


Chapter 3


  • yxy \ge x 对任意ii yixiy_i \ge x_i

  • y>xy>x if yxy\ge x and yxy \ne x (可以有部分 yi=xiy_i=x_i

  • y>>xy >> x 对任意 i , yi>xiy_i>x_i

  • yxy \sdot x 是内积 i=1nxiyi\sum^{n}_{i=1}x_iy_i


设 h,k 是两个 portfolio

  1. Law Of One Prize (LOOP) if Xh=XkXh = Xk then ph=pkp\sdot h = p \sdot k

  2. No Strong Arbitrage(NSA) if Xh0Xh \ge 0 then ph0p \sdot h \ge 0

  3. **No Arbitrage **(NA) if $ Xh>0$ then ph>0p \sdot h > 0

Three lemmas:

  1. LOOP implies that every portfolio with 0 payoff has zero prize.
  2. NA implies NSA
  3. NSA implies LOOP


v(z)={ph:z=Xh}v(z)=\{p\sdot h: z= Xh\}

v 可以理解为所有资产组合的价格的集合,z 是一个组合的payoff,是列向量

如果 LOOP 成立,则 v 是一个线性泛函。也就是说,它把<X><X> 映射到了 RR

  1. vv 是单值的,因为如果 Xh=zXh=z ,根据 LOOP 则存在一个唯一的 $p\in R^j $ 使得 ph=vp \sdot h = v.

    所以我们可以写成 **v(Xh)=phv(Xh) = p\sdot h **(函数体现出来了)

  2. vv<X><X>上是线性的

    v(αz1+βz2)=αv(z1)+βv(z2)v(\alpha z_1 + \beta z_2)=\alpha v(z_1)+\beta v(z_2)

  3. v(0)=0v(0)=0

反向也正确,也就是说,如果vv<X><X>上的线性泛函,则 LOOPLOOP 成立。

State Prices


qRSq\in R^S 使得 p=Xqp=X'q

所以qq 是一个向量,和 pp 一样。


h z q 都是列向量

p 是行向量



  1. 对每一个z<X>z\in<X> 都有 $V(z)=v(z) $
  2. 对每一个z<X>z\notin <X> , V(z)=qzV(z) = q' \cdot zqRsq\in R^s with qs=V(es)q_s=V(e_s)

也就是说 VvV把v<X><X>扩展到了RSR^S

其中 ese_s 是个基向量


若 LOOP 成立, q 是 state price 则对所有的z<X>z\in <X> , V(z)=qzV(z) =q'\cdot z

反之也成立。即 iff q 是个 state price 且 loop 成立,则对所有的 zRSz\in R^SV(z)=qzV(z)=q' \cdot z

Fundamental Theorem of Finance

Proposition 1

Security prices exclude arbitrage iff there exists a valuation functional with q>>0q>>0

Proposition 2

Let XX be a S×JS\times J matrix, and pRjp\in R^j. There is no hRjh\in R^j satisfying hp0h\cdot p \le 0, Xh0Xh \ge 0 and at least one strict inequality iff there exists a vector qRSq\in R^S with q>>0q>>0 and p=Xqp=X'q.


the absence of arbitrage is equivalent to the existence of a vector of positive state prices.

Pricing Kernel

q 可以有无数个,然而 kernel 只有一个。就是这个 q 在 <X><X> 上的投影。说白了就是 q 在 <X><X> 上。

Proposition 3

Markets are complete and there is no arbitrage iff there exists a unique valuation functional.

Asset Pricing Formulas


State Price Model

pj=s=1Sqsxsjp_j = \sum^{S}_{s=1}q_sx_s^j

这就是 p=Xqp=X'q 没啥好讲的

Stochastic Discount Factor


π\pi 是每个 state 发生的概率。

定义 stochastic Discount Factor

ms=qsπsm_s = \frac{q_s}{\pi_s}


pj=s=1Sπsmsxsj=E[mxj]p_j = \sum^S_{s=1}\pi_sm_sx_s^j=E[m\cdot x^j]


pj=E[mxj]=E[xj]E[m]+Cov[m,xj]p_j = E[m\cdot x^j]=E[x^j]E[m]+Cov[m,x^j]

假设存在一个 risk-free bond xsb=1x_s^b=1

我们有 pb=E[m]=1Rfp_b = E[m] = \frac{1}{R^f}

其中 RfR^f 是 risk-free return。

这样子对任意 jj

Pj=E[xj]Rf+Cov[mxj]P_j = \frac{E[x^j]}{R^f} + Cov [m\cdot x^j]

典型情况下 Cov[m,xj]Cov[m,x^j] < 0.

定义 Rj=xjpjR_j=\frac{x^j}{p_j} 则可以得到 E[mRj]=1E[m\cdot R^j] = 1.

因为对于一个 risk-free bond Rf=1E[m]R^f = \frac{1}{E[m]} 我们可以写出 E[m(RjRf)]=0E[m\cdot(R^j-R^f)]=0 或者

E[m(RjRf)]=E[m](E[Rj]Rf)+Cov(m,Rj)=0E[m\cdot (R^j-R^f)]=E[m](E[R^j]-R^f)+Cov(m,R^j)=0


E[Rj]Rf=Cov(m,Rj)E[m]E[R^j]-R^f = -\frac{Cov(m,R^j)}{E[m]}


equivalent martingale measure

等价鞅 风险中性概率

pj=s=1Sqsxsjp_j = \sum_{s=1}^Sq_sx_s^j


pb=s=1Sqs=11+rfp_b = \sum^S_{s=1} q_s = \frac{1}{1+r^f}

其中 rfr_f 是无风险净return.

pj=11+rfs=1Sqss=1Sqsxsj=11+rfs=1Sπs^xsj=11+rfEQ[xj]p_j=\frac{1}{1+r_f}\sum^S_{s=1}\frac{q_s}{\sum^S_{s=1}q_s}x_s^j = \frac{1}{1+r^f}\sum^S_{s=1}\hat{\pi_s}x_s^j = \frac{1}{1+r^f}E^Q[x^j]




State-Price Beta Model


Chapter 4 Risk Preferences and Expected Utility Theory

State-by-State Dominance (SSD)

given two random variables XX and YY defined over the state space (Ω\Omega,F,P), we say that Y State-by-State dominates X if ωΩ  X(ω)Y(Ω)\forall \omega \in \Omega\; X(\omega)\le Y(\Omega)


mean-variance dominance



Sharpe Ratio

Sharpe  Ratio=E[R]rfσ(R)Sharpe\;Ratio = \frac{E[R]-r^f}{\sigma(R)}

Stochastic Dominance

First Order Stochastic Dominance

let F_A and F_B represent, respectively, the cumulative distribution functions of two random variables (investments payoff) defined in the interval [a,b]. We say that FAF_A first-order stochastically dominates (FSD) FBF_B if x[a,b]  FA(x)FB(x)\forall x \in [a,b]\;F_A(x) \le F_B(x)

在任何时期,B的累计分布函数都大于等于A,称 $ F_A $ FOSD FBF_B .

Second Order Stochastic Dominance

FAF_A SOSD FBF_B if x[a,b]\forall x \in [a,b]

ax[FB(t)FA(t)]dt0\int^x_a[F_B(t)-F_A(t)]dt \ge 0


也就是说,如果FA(t)F_A(t) 稍大了一点点但是后来一直远远小于FB(t)F_B(t) 那也不能说 A 比 B 强,只能说无法比较。

FOSD implies SOSD.

Mean-Preserving Spread

we say that the random variable xAx_A is a mean-preserving spread of the random variable xBx_B if xA=xB+ϵx_A =x_B + \epsilon, where the random variable ϵ\epsilon is independent of xBx_B, and has zero mean and positive variance.


Let FAF_A and FBF_B be the CDFs of two random variables xAx_A and xBx_B defined on the same space with identical means. Then FAF_A SSD FBF_B iff xBx_B is a mean-preserving spread of xAx_A.

derive 要考!

Certainty Equivalent

it is the certain payoff which gives the same expected utility as the uncertain lottery pp.

if E[u(x)]E[u(x)] is the expected utility of lottery pp, u1(E[u(x)])u^{-1}(E[u(x)]) will be the certainty equivalent of pp.

Jensen’s Inequality

Let gg be concave over [a,b][a,b] and let xx be a random variable such that P[x[a,b]]=1P[x\in [a,b]] = 1. If the expectations E[x]E[x] and E[g(x)]E[g(x)] exist, then E(g(x))g(E[x])E(g(x))\le g(E[x]). Forthermore, if g()g(\cdot) is concave then then the inequality is strict.

Risk Aversion

  1. Absolute Risk Aversion

RA(Y)=u(Y)u(Y)R_A(Y) = -\frac{u''(Y)}{u'(Y)}

  1. Relative Risk Aversion

RR(Y)=Yu(Y)u(Y)=YRAR_R(Y) = -Y\cdot \frac{u''(Y)}{u'(Y)} = Y \cdot R_A

  1. Risk Tolerance

RT(Y)=1RA(Y)R_T(Y) = \frac{1}{R_A(Y)}

Constant Absolute Risk Aversion

CARA utility function

U(x)=eρYU(x) = -e^{-\rho Y}

Constant Relative Risk Aversion

CRRA utility function

U(x)=f(x)={Y1τ1τif  τ1lnYif  τ=1U(x)=f(x)=\left\{ \begin{aligned} \frac{Y^{1-\tau}}{1-\tau}\quad if \; \tau \ne 1 \\ ln Y \quad \quad if \;\tau =1 \end{aligned} \right.

Q: When utility function invariant when you transform wealth?

A: Risk Neutral. When RA=0R_A=0.

Q: economic meaning of relative and absolute risk aversion

A: They measure the change in the investment due to the change in the wealth. Relative one measues the ratio whether absolute one measures the total amount.

Portfolio Allocation

aY0=(1+rf)(E[r]rf)(r2rf)(rfr1)>0\frac{a}{Y_0} = \frac{(1+r^f)(E[r]-r^f)}{(r_2-r^f)(r^f-r_1)}>0


smooth consumption and collateral constrain.