The “eight queens puzzle” is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. Thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal. The eight queens puzzle is an example of the more general N queens problem of placing N non-attacking queens on an N×N chessboard. (From Wikipedia - “Eight queens puzzle”.)
Here you are NOT asked to solve the puzzles. Instead, you are supposed to judge whether or not a given configuration of the chessboard is a solution. To simplify the representation of a chessboard, let us assume that no two queens will be placed in the same column. Then a configuration can be represented by a simple integer sequence , where is the row number of the queen in the i-th column. For example, Figure 1 can be represented by (4, 6, 8, 2, 7, 1, 3, 5) and it is indeed a solution to the 8 queens puzzle; while Figure 2 can be represented by (4, 6, 7, 2, 8, 1, 9, 5, 3) and is NOT a 9 queens’ solution.
![]() |
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Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
Input Specification:
Each input file contains several test cases. The first line gives an integer K (1<K≤200). Then K lines follow, each gives a configuration in the format “”, where 4≤N≤1000 and it is guaranteed that for all i=1,⋯,N. The numbers are separated by spaces.
Output Specification:
For each configuration, if it is a solution to the N queens problem, print YES
in a line; or NO
if not.
Sample Input:
1 | 4 |
Sample Output:
1 | YES |
- 题目其实很憨憨,虽然说了很多
- 给你一个棋盘,每行都有一个皇后,给出了每行的皇后位置
这样的形式。 - 让你判断这些皇后会不会有出现在相同列或对角线上的
- 如果没有出现在相同列上的皇后,只要看给定的皇后没有重复的就行
- 难点在于处理对角线的
- 其实,同一个对角线有一个特征,就是行和列索引加起来是一样的
- 所以,如果我们给定的序列中有两项的下标和值的和是相同的,那么它们就是在同一对角线上的。
- queens 是读取的测试集
- 读取测试集数量
- 读取一行测试
- 调用
函数来判断- 测试集取集合后的长度和原测试集的长度不同,说明有重复的
- 遍历queens的每一项,如果这一项下标与值的和在集合里,那么说明有在同一对角线上的
- 否则把它添加到集合里。
- 调用
- 因为使用Python可以AC,因此只放了Python的题解。
1 | def judge(queens): |